Subjects taught
English semantics and lexis
English for academic communication
English for business communication
Language for marketing
Language in contemporary society
Corpus-driven language learning
English for technical and web-based writing
Multimedia in English language learning
English in the media
Bilingual lexicography
English for translators
Translation and Chinese culture
Bilingual corporate communication
Public relations translation
Ph.D. supervision and examination
Global financial crash: A corpus-based study on emotion metaphors
A corpus-based study of adversative conjunctives: How Chinese EFL learners signal counter-expectation in writing
Examining lexico-grammatical complexity in EFL academic writing: A corpus-based comparative study of novice writers and published writers
A combined discourse and corpus analysis investigation of conventional linguistic strategies used in workplace email by Native & Non-Native-Chinese-Speakers of English
Ideological Representations of Chinese Muslim Groups in Chinese and U.S. Media (2001-2014): A comparative study
Metaphor in political discourse: A comparative study of Chinese and English news reports.
Organic metaphors in Chinese English real estate reports
Internal Examination
1. Non-verbal delivery in speaking assessment: From an argument to a rating scale formulation and validation
2. Investigating the legitimacy of decisions based on CET-4 scores: Applying an assessment use argument approach
3. The presentation of corporate self on social media life: A discourse analysis of identity constructions of Chinese banks on Sina Weibo
4. Conceptual transfer and second language vocabulary acquisition: evidence from advanced Chinese learners of English
5. Translating Alice in the Chinese context -- A critical stylistic approach to characterization in the Chinese translation of Alice in Wonderland by Chao Yuen-Ren
External Examination
1. Sense differentiation and description —A cognitive semantic study on polysemous words
2. An empirical study of dictionary use by EFL learners in Chinese-English translation: Towards a model of collegiate Chinese-English Learner’s dictionary
3. Reflection on dictionary entry formation: The purposes of example translations in an English Chinese dictionary
4. Analysis of disfluencies and gestures in Spanish natives and in students of Spanish as a Foreign Language
5. What is ‘meta’ for?: A Peircean critique of the cognitive theory of metaphor
6. Metadiscursive nouns in disciplinary writing
7. A study of academic writing development over time: The case of engineering undergraduates
8. Rhetorical and linguistic differences between medical oral case presentations of medical experts and medical novices