Research projects
Discourse analysis of the best practice in the Hong Kong tertiary classroom (2016-2017)
A comparative study of ideological and discoursal representations of Hong Kong in international online news during 2014 Occupy Central (2015-2017)
Corpus use in academic writing by postgraduate students: Impact and implications (2015-2017)
Developing, tagging and revamping the PolyU Language Bank (DLTC2015-2016)
Perception and production: Investigating the problematic aspects of Chinese postgraduate academic writing (2014-2016)
Principal Investigator A combined discourse and corpus analysis investigation of conventional linguistics strategies used in workplace email by native and non-native-Chinese-speakers of English (RO matching 2014)
Investigating needs and fears of BA students towards the capstone project (2013-2016)
Email etiquette in business email communication: A comparison of politeness strategies and impoliteness patterns at workplace in Hong Kong and Mainland China (2012-2015)
Exploring diachronic change of metaphors in business discourse (2011-2013)
Developing virtual English Department for collaborative language study (2011-2013)
Investigating dynamic use of metaphor by Hong Kong students: a corpus-driven, comparative study (2011-2013)
Investigating the influence of linguistic competence, language function and computer mediated communication in frontline business transactions (2010-2012)
Towards outcome based integration of language and computer skills to meet workplace needs in Hong Kong (2007-2009)
Metaphors and their effect on business communication (2008-2010)
Developing a corpus-based mechanism to measure English vocabulary size of Chinese learners (2005-2007)
Developing students’ metaphoric competence for effective communication (2006-2008)
Call centre discourse: developing comparable Chinese and English corpora (2006-2007)
A Survey on multilingual dictionaries in Hong Kong (2004-2005)
Compiling the PolyU Language Bank, coordinating several research projects and doing research in corpus linguistics and language studies (2001–2002)
Compiling a bilingual business lexicon based on a trilingual corpus of business languages (English, Chinese and Japanese) used in Hong Kong (1999-2001)
University reference skills: dictionary use at British universities (1998-1999)
Needs analysis of bilingual dictionary users, with particular focus on Chinese university students (1995-1998)
CALL: Database design for English achievement and proficiency tests (1993-1995)
Study of bilingual vocabulary acquisition for Chinese ESP students (1987-1989)
International joint research projects
An automated writing assessment system supported by EFL corpus, network and cloud technology: A study on reliability and validity, PI: Dr Zhang Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China (2013-2015)
Academic writing model with the aid of technology for second language learners, PI: Dr Zhang Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University (2012-2014)
Investigating problematic aspects of Chinese postgraduates’ academic writing PI: Prof Lu Zhongshe, Tsinghua University (2013-2015)